Just popping in to thank you and Kenny - you are very inspiring. You help people, you make society better, you have fun, and more importantly, you make others know that they can do the same and better the world. Oh, and you have great hair too. Enjoy the remainder of the week. Blessed be your family and you. Shah from Mauritius
THAT was just awesome! I got my kleenex here. :) The story of the little boy was done so well, BUT I am telling you guys that YOU two together make a GREAT TV team! What a great idea for a show also! I am sending my comments to the DayTime people! Proud of God's work IN and THRU you both! Marty
Unbelievable what this Amazing Race 13 couple is doing! Very impressive. Let's hope we see much more from this dynamic duo. Carmen
It was a wonderful show.. we loved seeing it. Nancy
Adventures with Vision is such a breath of fresh air! What a wonderful series. It is a pleasure to see uplifting stories of people doing good and giving to others. This is just the message that we need right now...and always. Please continue this series! Kristi
You guys are awesome! Doing a great job! Loved it! April
So cool! Bless you two for doing this!Melinda
"I have DVR'd it all week, I love it ! Great show, you guys are awesome" Malissa
"Thanks for all you do Ken and Tina! Fighting cancer in children is something very close to my heart just now...." Georgia
This show is going to be amazing. Ken and Tina should be an example reminding all of us to give back and pay it forward. I feel truly blessed after watching the episodes. Thank You!!!! AmazingRaceFan
"Adventures With Vision rocks!!! Love it. It gives a "feel good" feeling. Fantastic!" Wally
Glad it went so well! A couple of folks have mentioned it to me and thought it was GREAT. Leigh
I finally got a chance to watch the Adventures in Vision pilot online and thought it was awesome. What a great adventure for Robbie and a heartwarming story. Joe
"I finally got to watch the episodes, thanks to having them on your website. Just wonderful. You and Kenny should be very proud! Will there be more Adventures With Vision?" Penni
Kenny and Tina, I love how you make the most of the opportunities the Lord gives you. I am finding that the Lord presents our "calling" to us if we listen and put ourselves in a position of faith (usually involving risk and a step out of our comfort zone). Carpe Diem, Chad
Great Job! Roger
Congrats on the new show! Katie
Hey man, enjoying the show. Great job by you and Tina both. Paul
I was just looking at your youtubes TV Show with the young man I think it was amazing and I can't wait too see more.... This is exactly the kind of stuff that I want too do with my life traveling the world and helping people out!!!! One day I hope I get to do that adventure, so it was really amazing too see that there is other people out there with the same idea's that I have. I would love to stay in contact with you guyz!! and I want too see tons more of what is too come !!! You guyz are doing amazing things and it's people like you out there that give the extra ray of hope to those who may just need it sometimes!!!! God Bless the 2 of you and I hope to hear back soon. XO XO XO, Sarah from Canada